Nova Agri Sciences


FARM ZYME is a highly effective Plant Growth Regulator containing Gibberellic acid 0.001% as a.i


FARM ZYME Increase cell growth in stems,leaves and roots

FARM ZYME Used for production of elongated stems in plants grown as standard and half- standard horticulture crops.

FARM ZYME Enable greater photosynthesis and plant metabolism

FARM ZYME Allow the production of bigger leaves, and bigger root system

FARM ZYME Improve establishment and growth of young plants produced from cuttings, seed or plugs.

FARM ZYME Used to help plants suffering nutrient and growth deficiencies.

FARM ZYME Increase plant or crop yield

Available Pack Sizes:
  • 100ml,
  • 250ml,
  • 500ml,
  • and
  • 1Lt

Recommendations for Use

Crop Dosage / Acre Formulation (ml) Time of Application
Grapes 72 First: 30-35 days after pruning ,Second : During the match head stage
Cotton 72 First spray: 40-45 DAP, Second spray: at the time of boll formation
Banana 108 First spray: 3 rd month, Second spray: 5th month, Third spray:At the time of fruit formation
Paddy 72 Short duration varieties: 20-25 DAT, Medium duration varieties: 30 -35 DAT, Long duration varieties: 40- 45 DAT
Onion 72 25-30 days after planting
Brinjal / Bhendi, Cabbage / Cauliflower 180 First spray:34 DAP, Second spray: 70 DAP, Third spray:105 DAP